The database we created has helped us to better understand the top dogs and bitches that have influenced the breed since its beginnings. Whether as top CC winning dogs or as producers of top winning progeny.
TOP WINNERS – The two charts immediately below show lists of the all-time top 10 CC winners split by sex. You can see that most of the big winners hark from days of old, with only 3 dogs and 3 bitches from the post 2000 era making the lists. But never the less some very well-known and interesting dogs make the list, however we are pretty sure Lancer of Leospride or Brynlythe Tannia’s records will never be eclipsed.

TOP DAMS & SIRES – another way of measuring the prowess and impact an individual dog has on the breed is through the 1st generation progeny it has sired or whelped. The chart below shows the U.K. top stud dogs of all time based on the number of U.K. champions they have directly produced. The chart contains some of the great historic names of the breed, at the top of the list is Mungo (Ch. Amalek I Got Rhythm) a son of Henry James, he leads the way as top sire and also makes the top 10 list of CC winners. Joint top is Guinness (Randallcarr Dream Lover) another descendant of Henry James, a prolific sire and probably the best dog never to make Champion. Third on the list is Henry James himself, a dog imported by the Amalek kennel and probably the most influential dog in the modern day history of ETT’s. In fact 4 of the 16 dogs in the graph or 25% of the top sires are imported dogs, 3 of the imports being Toy Manchester Terrier lines which highlights the growing importance TMT lines play in our modern day breeding plans. However it is a little concerning that none of the Top 20 sires are alive or available at stud today.

The chart below shows the Top Brood Bitches measured by the number of champions they have directly whelped. The list of bitches is much more fragmented than the sires as you would expect. Again there are some very famous names on the chart from Quinoa, to Witchstone to Amalek. Leading the way is Am. Ch. Rustic Lane Still Waters Runs Deep the only full TMT on the chart who has clearly become a cornerstone of the Witchstone breeding plan. Second is Amalek High Society , a real stalwart of the Amalek kennel and an influence on many others. These two are followed by some other great dogs of note like Ch. Reeberrich Katydid, joint 3rd in the brood bitch stakes and 9th overall in the CC’s won list. Of the 20 bitches on the chart only 2 have current first generation progeny in the show ring today offering them a chance to improve their position in the near term: Betty or Ch. Witchstone Centre Fold, currently a veteran herself and Am. Ch. Rustic Lane still Waters Run Deep.